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MNI Gilt Week Ahead: Labour Market, Monthly GDP, Manifestos

It will be a relatively busy week for UK data with labour market data the highlight on Tuesday, monthly activity data on Wednesday as well as trade data and BOE/Ipsos inflation data as well as the likely manifestos from both Labour and the Conservatives.

  • It will be a relatively busy week for UK data with labour market data the highlight on Tuesday, monthly activity data on Wednesday as well as trade data and BOE/Ipsos inflation data.
  • The upcoming labour market release will give us a first look at how the increase in the National Living Wage impacted the data. The April CPI data in our view represented some upside risks to wages.
  • The KPMG-REC Report on Jobs showed that the labour market continues to soften, although at a slower pace than in April with wage growth remaining sticky. We look at more details in the full document.
  • We also look ahead to this week's monthly GDP data, a short note on politics and look ahead to this week's syndication and linker auction.
For the full MNI Gilt Week Ahead document which also includes auction and syndication previews for the week ahead see:


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  • It will be a relatively busy week for UK data with labour market data the highlight on Tuesday, monthly activity data on Wednesday as well as trade data and BOE/Ipsos inflation data.
  • The upcoming labour market release will give us a first look at how the increase in the National Living Wage impacted the data. The April CPI data in our view represented some upside risks to wages.
  • The KPMG-REC Report on Jobs showed that the labour market continues to soften, although at a slower pace than in April with wage growth remaining sticky. We look at more details in the full document.
  • We also look ahead to this week's monthly GDP data, a short note on politics and look ahead to this week's syndication and linker auction.
For the full MNI Gilt Week Ahead document which also includes auction and syndication previews for the week ahead see:
