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May's new cross-party approach to Brexit......>

FOREX: May's new cross-party approach to Brexit boosts GBP
-After a distinctly quiet European trading session, GBP (and to a lesser extent
the EUR) gained sharply as PM May outlined a new approach to Brexit including a
further delay to Brexit itself as well as an olive branch to the opposition
Labour Party to enter discussions in order to find a workable deal with a
majority in the Commons. This suggests the version of Brexit to be pursued will
be softer and more closely resemble Labour's proposals for a customs union.
GBP/USD rallied north of $1.3100 to touch session highs, but yesterday's highs
of $1.3150 remain intact for now.
-Elsewhere, currency markets were largely quiet with most major pairs lacking
firm direction. AUD held the post-RBA losses and extended weakness through the
Mar20 lows before finding some modest support ahead of the $0.7050 mark. Haven
FX gained, with JPY and CHF close to the top of the G10 table as positive EU
equities were countered by weakness in the DJIA.
-UK services PMI, Eurozone retail sales and US ADP employment change take focus
Wednesday. Fed's Bostic, George, Barkin and Kashkari are also due to speak.

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