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MNI Asian Morning FI Technical Analysis

5 December 2017
By Kyle Shortland
Click below for today's MNI FI Technical Analysis Report -
AUSSIE 3-YR TECHS: (Z17) Close Above 98.060 To Ease Bearish Pressure 
*RES 4: 98.168 - 100-WMA 
*RES 3: 98.130 - Low June 20 now resistance 
*RES 2: 98.110 - High Nov 28 & 29 
*RES 1: 98.060 - Hourly resistance Dec 4
*PRICE: 98.035 @ 2030GMT
*SUP 1: 98.015 - Low Dec 4 
*SUP 2: 98.008 - Bollinger band base 
*SUP 3: 97.972 - 100-DMA 
*SUP 4: 97.945 - 55-DMA
*COMMENTARY: The contract again remained capped ahead of the 98.110-130
resistance region with the sell-of Monday seeing focus return to 97.942-972
where 55 & 100-DMAs and the bull channel base (off 2017 lows) are situated.
Daily studies are well placed for losses but the Bollinger base is a concern and
limits follow through. Bulls now need a close above 98.060 to ease bearish
pressure and above 98.130 to initially target 98.168-200.
AUSSIE 10-YR TECHS: (Z17) Below 97.3950 Targets Key DMAs 
*RES 4: 97.6100 - High June 27
*RES 3: 97.5240 - Bollinger band top
*RES 2: 97.5200 - Low June 20 now resistance
*RES 1: 97.4450 - Low Dec 1 now resistance
*PRICE: 97.4450 @ 2030GMT
*SUP 1: 97.3950 - Low Now 20
*SUP 2: 97.3400 - 200-DMA
*SUP 3: 97.3088 - 100-DMA
*SUP 4: 97.2890 - 55-DMA
*COMMENTARY: The correction lower from failed attempts to take out 97.5200 sees
the contract flirting with the 21-DMA (97.4300). Bulls now need a close above
97.4450 to gain breathing room and above 97.5200 to confirm focus on
97.6100-6750 where June highs are noted. The 97.3950 support is now key with
bears needing a close below to return focus to 97.2890-3400 where 55, 100 &
200-DMAs are clustered. Daily studies are well placed for losses.
US 10-YR FUTURE TECHS: (H18) 123-25/29+ Support Region Key
*RES 4: 125-00  High Nov 28 
*RES 3: 124-26+ 55-DMA 
*RES 2: 124-19  Low Nov 27 now resistance 
*RES 1: 124-09  Alternating hourly support/resistance
*PRICE: 124-08 @ 2030GMT
*SUP 1: 123-29+ Monthly Low Nov 30
*SUP 2: 123-27  Lows Oct 25 & 27
*SUP 3: 123-25  Low Mar 30
*SUP 4: 123-10+ Daily Bear channel base
*COMMENTARY: A volatile end to the week saw the contract almost trade the week's
range on the day only to remain capped around the 55-DMA and ahead of the bear
channel top (124-28+). This week bulls look for a close above 125-00 to confirm
an easing of bearish pressure and above 125-14 to shift to a bullish bias
targeting an overall move back to 127-28+. A close below 123-27 is needed to
confirm focus on the bear channel base.
US 10-YR YIELD TECHS: 2.273 & 2.477 Levels Remain Key
*RES 4: 2.544 - High Mar 17 
*RES 3: 2.477 - Monthly High Oct 27 
*RES 2: 2.437 - High Nov 30 
*RES 1: 2.424 - High Dec 1
*PRICE: 2.378 @ 2030GMT
*SUP 1: 2.373 - Hourly resistance Dec 1 now support 
*SUP 2: 2.310 - Low Nov 28 
*SUP 3: 2.304 - 200-DMA 
*SUP 4: 2.283 - 100-DMA
*COMMENTARY: The 2.477 Oct highs remain key with the yield rejected aggressively
ahead of this level Friday. Bulls look for a close above this level to target
2.544-2.628 where 2017 highs are situated. Volatility saw support levels taken
out before bouncing ahead of the 200-DMA. The 2.273 support remains key. Bears
need a close below to end bullish hopes and shift initial focus back to
2.171-185 where the 200-WMA is noted.
JGB TECHS: (Z17) 150.84 & 151.21 Levels Remain Key 
*RES 4: 151.33 - High Sept 12
*RES 3: 151.21 - Low Sept 2 now resistance
*RES 2: 151.19 - Monthly high Nov 22
*RES 1: 151.13 - High Nov 24, Bollinger band top
*PRICE: 150.97 @ 2030GMT
*SUP 1: 150.84 - Low Nov 30 
*SUP 2: 150.66 - 55-DMA 
*SUP 3: 150.63 - 100-DMA 
*SUP 4: 150.57 - 200-DMA
*COMMENTARY: Bulls take comfort in the failure to gain traction on dips below
the 21-DMA last week following the correction from 151.19. The 150.84 support is
key this week with bears needing a close below to shift focus back to 150.54-66
where key DMAs are clustered. The 151.21 resistance remains key. Bulls need a
close above to shift focus to tests of the 151.49-52 where 2017/Sept highs and
the daily bull channel top are situated.
--MNI Beijing Bureau; tel: +44 207-862-7435; email:

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