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MNI BOC WATCH: Cut Leads G7 And Macklem Sees More Slow Moves

Governing Council says less restrictive policy is justified amid more confidence inflation is returning to target.

Bank of Canada Governor Tiff Macklem lowered the key lending rate for the first time in four years on Wednesday, moving ahead of G7 peers and saying measured further cuts are likely needed amid growing confidence that restrictive policy is returning inflation to target.

The rate was lowered after six meetings at the highest since 2001 by a quarter point to 4.75%, as expected by a majority of economists, though a group felt the Bank would wait until July to avoid a drop in the Canadian dollar associated with moving before the Fed. It's the first rate cut since borrowing costs were near zero during the pandemic and two years after inflation then jumped to about 8%. 

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Bank of Canada Governor Tiff Macklem lowered the key lending rate for the first time in four years on Wednesday, moving ahead of G7 peers and saying measured further cuts are likely needed amid growing confidence that restrictive policy is returning inflation to target.

The rate was lowered after six meetings at the highest since 2001 by a quarter point to 4.75%, as expected by a majority of economists, though a group felt the Bank would wait until July to avoid a drop in the Canadian dollar associated with moving before the Fed. It's the first rate cut since borrowing costs were near zero during the pandemic and two years after inflation then jumped to about 8%. 

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