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MNI BRIEF: ECB Cut On Disinflationary Process Trust-Centeno

(MNI) Rome

The European Central Bank was able to cut interest rates on Thursday as it now has more confidence in the “inflation reduction trajectory,” Bank of Portugal Governor Mario Centeno said earlier Friday, as he added future movements will be decided on a meeting-by-meeting basis.

The disinflation process has been heavily affected by base effects, Centeno said, noting that the ECB remains sensitive to possible bumps in inflation and that current high levels of prudency are good.

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The European Central Bank was able to cut interest rates on Thursday as it now has more confidence in the “inflation reduction trajectory,” Bank of Portugal Governor Mario Centeno said earlier Friday, as he added future movements will be decided on a meeting-by-meeting basis.

The disinflation process has been heavily affected by base effects, Centeno said, noting that the ECB remains sensitive to possible bumps in inflation and that current high levels of prudency are good.