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MNI: Copper Prices To Fall, Chinese Demand To Remain Flat

MNI (Beijing)

China's demand for copper in 2024 will hold steady despite a range of factors impacting the commodity locally and internationally.

China’s copper demand will remain roughly unchanged over 2024 at single digit percentage growth over 2023 levels despite recent property-sector support and a historic global price rally, while reports of official domestic smelter output cuts are yet to materialise, local analysts have told MNI.

Gu Fengda, nonferrous metals chief analyst at Guoxin Futures, said LME copper prices should trend down to between USD9,300 to USD9,500 per tonne by December, following May's historic high of USD11,104. China’s copper demand growth will hold flat at about 5% y/y driven by strong industrial output, which grew 6.7% in April, Gu added.

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China’s copper demand will remain roughly unchanged over 2024 at single digit percentage growth over 2023 levels despite recent property-sector support and a historic global price rally, while reports of official domestic smelter output cuts are yet to materialise, local analysts have told MNI.

Gu Fengda, nonferrous metals chief analyst at Guoxin Futures, said LME copper prices should trend down to between USD9,300 to USD9,500 per tonne by December, following May's historic high of USD11,104. China’s copper demand growth will hold flat at about 5% y/y driven by strong industrial output, which grew 6.7% in April, Gu added.

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