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MNI INTERVIEW: Banxico Needs Better Data For More Cuts-Sanchez


Former Banxico deputy governor Manuel Sanchez talks about Mexican monetary policy in an interview.

Mexico's central bank should wait for better inflation trends to continue cutting interest rates, former deputy Banxico governor Manuel Sanchez told MNI, adding the board must ensure prices are on a clear and sustainable path toward the 3% target.

Sanchez believes the monetary authority should stay cautious over its coming meetings, but is likely to cut again before long. "It can't be ruled out that Banxico might soon continue with a cycle of rate cuts. Decisions could be made by majority, with one or two dissenters," he said in an interview.

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Mexico's central bank should wait for better inflation trends to continue cutting interest rates, former deputy Banxico governor Manuel Sanchez told MNI, adding the board must ensure prices are on a clear and sustainable path toward the 3% target.

Sanchez believes the monetary authority should stay cautious over its coming meetings, but is likely to cut again before long. "It can't be ruled out that Banxico might soon continue with a cycle of rate cuts. Decisions could be made by majority, with one or two dissenters," he said in an interview.

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