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MNI INTERVIEW: China AI Needs Green Electricity Investment

MNI (Beijing)

MNI speaks to Peng Wensheng from China International Capital Corporation about AI and electricity.

Beijing needs to significantly increase investment in green energy by 2030 above the previously forecasted CNY20 trillion needed to meet carbon targets given jumps in projected demand from electricity-intensive AI and green manufacturing, a prominent economist told MNI.

Carbon peaking by 2030 and neutrality by 2060 would previously have needed CNY140 trillion of green investment, however “a lot more” will be needed to align renewable power growth with AI and green industry electricity demand, according to Peng Wensheng from China International Capital Corporation.

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Beijing needs to significantly increase investment in green energy by 2030 above the previously forecasted CNY20 trillion needed to meet carbon targets given jumps in projected demand from electricity-intensive AI and green manufacturing, a prominent economist told MNI.

Carbon peaking by 2030 and neutrality by 2060 would previously have needed CNY140 trillion of green investment, however “a lot more” will be needed to align renewable power growth with AI and green industry electricity demand, according to Peng Wensheng from China International Capital Corporation.

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