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MNI: China Electricity Demand Growth To Fall From Q1 High

MNI (Beijing)

MNI looks into China's electricity consumption and its use as a GDP indicator.

China’s electricity consumption growth rate will slow from a Q1 high of 9.8% y/y due to base effects, following 2023’s total 6.7% y/y increase, but will remain above GDP gains for the foreseeable future as the country's industrial-sector activity strengthens, local analysts and economists have told MNI.

Electricity demand grew 3.6% in Q1 2023, a stark contrast to 2024's result, as the country emerged from Covid-zero, said David Fishman, senior energy analyst at economic consultancy Lantau Group, noting malls and tourist spots resumed power consumption this year.

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China’s electricity consumption growth rate will slow from a Q1 high of 9.8% y/y due to base effects, following 2023’s total 6.7% y/y increase, but will remain above GDP gains for the foreseeable future as the country's industrial-sector activity strengthens, local analysts and economists have told MNI.

Electricity demand grew 3.6% in Q1 2023, a stark contrast to 2024's result, as the country emerged from Covid-zero, said David Fishman, senior energy analyst at economic consultancy Lantau Group, noting malls and tourist spots resumed power consumption this year.

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