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MNI INTERVIEW: Italy Left Doomed To Fail; Decline Pan-European

MNI (London)
--Former PM Renzi "Unlikely" to Win 2018 Vote, Leading Commentator Says 
--Scissions Between Groupings Show Weakening Of Left's Governability 
--Europe Generally Seeing Same Decline of Centre-Left Groups
by Silvia Marchetti
     ROME (MNI) - The recent split in Italy's political left is part of a
'suicide pact' fated to weaken the main Democrat party in the upcoming general
election and increase ungovernability risks, one of Italy's leading political
commentators HAS told Market News.
     In an exclusive interview with Market News, Andrea Ungari, professor of
history and theory of political parties at Rome's LUISS University, said that
the new left Free and Equal movement, launched to "destroy" Democrat leader and
former premier Matteo Renzi, will lead to the disintegration of Italy's left and
contribute to an electoral victory for the centre-right.
     "This latest scission proves the suicidal nature of Italy's left, an
historical trait that has frequently led members of a similar political
formation to kill each other over petty leadership goals," said Ungari.
     By continuing a "domestic war" they will contribute to the successful
comeback of Silvio Berlusconi's Forza Italia party and help boost support for
the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement, he warned.
     Ungari noted that the left's splintering will most likely lead to a defeat
of Renzi as candidate for premier. Even if the dissident groups comprising the
new political movement are small at the moment, he said, once they unite and
enlarge to other radical, extreme left parties they have the potential of
draining votes from the Democrats.
     Ungari predicts that at next spring's general election, the Democratic
party, currently the largest in parliament, will lose support to barely 20%,
rendering it unable to govern.
     The main risk Italy faces is "a high degree of ungovernability" given that
with the new electoral system no single party on its own will ever win enough
votes to govern without having to find allies, and Renzi's Democrats are now
alone, Ungari notes.
     "The centre-left has always been able to generate great leaders, take
Renzi, as opposed to the centre-right. But if we look back at history, ever
since the early 1900's many of these leftist leaders have fought against each
other, destroying their own party in a sort of suicidal frenzy. Lethal divisions
are a predominant trait of Italy's left," said Ungari.
     This is because Italy's left has always been torn between progressive,
liberal and pro-reform leaders like Renzi on one side, and radical reactionary
ones on the other, standing against change like old guard dissidents.
     "All anti-Renzi forces are endorsing the ideals of leftist populism," said
     Renzi, in his view, is already a "lame duck" who has been weakened by
several fatal mistakes of his own making. Following the constitutional
referendum defeat, he chose to severe all ties with the old guard and move on
alone like a "caterpillar". Despite being both charismatic and a great
communicator who knows how to appeal to voters, Ungari believes Renzi "didn't
play his cards well".
     However, he also believes the new group to the left of the Democrats has
started off on the wrong foot. By naming current Senate president Pietro Grasso
as its leader, it is giving the centre-right an additional propaganda weapon to
exploit during the electoral campaign.
     "Grasso is a former prosecutor, and Italy's right has always believed in a
conspiracy theory where the left and the judges joined forces against
Berlusconi. They just got 'proof' of this alliance now," said Ungari.
     The crisis of Italy's left is not exceptional to Italy, however.
     "We are witnessing the decline of European centre-left parties and
governments across the union, starting from the weakening of French president
Emmanuel Macron," said Ungari.
     "And paradoxically, all this is leading to the rise of Europe's rightist
groups at the detriment of populists".
--MNI London Bureau; tel: +44 203-586-2225; email:
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