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MNI INTERVIEW: Italy New Left Group Leader To Support Jobless

MNI (London)
--Social Inclusion Policies Will Be Key To Boosting Growth
--Ruling Democrats "Against" Change, No Chances To Ally
--Jobs, Investments To Top Electoral Agenda
By Silvia Marchetti
     ROME (MNI) - Reforming welfare policy and boosting support to low earners
will be a main priority for the new Italian leftist party, founder Roberto
Speranza told Market News in an exclusive interview.
     Speranza said the new Free and Equal movement would act to undo many of the
reforms put in place by the centre-left Democrats.
     The 38-year-old party leader, who aims to unite left-leaning voters
critical of the mainstream Democrat party, said he stood as a beacon of hope to
roughly 10 million Italians looking for a 'new left', able to protect jobs and
     "Globalization has created enormous wealth but it has concentrated it in
the hands of a few privileged. Roughly 20% of Italians have 69% of the country's
wealth, while 10 million people can't afford to cure themselves if sick and 93%
of job contracts signed in 2017 are temporary," he said.
     Policies put in place by the Democrat party -- which Speranza abandoned
earlier this year after open disagreements with the leadership of former premier
Matteo Renzi -- "should have supported the weakest parts of the population but
have ended up favouring globalisation winners. This is why we launched Free and
Equal," he said.
     Speranza's new group already comprises four parties that place themselves
to the left of the Democrats and "fight for workers' rights and dignity". Last
week he succeeded in bringing on board other minor parties that Renzi had been
courting as potential allies in a future government.
     Along with the Democrat old guard swept away by Renzi when he rose to power
in 2014, Free and Equal unites mayors, trade unionists, catholic groups and
environmentalists who want to build an alternative left, explained Speranza.
     The party could win around 8-10 percent of votes at next year's general
elections, according to early surveys.
     Its electoral program spans from relaunching public investments and
pro-growth measures, to abolishing Renzi's Jobs Act labour reform, reintroducing
article 18 of the workers' national contract that forbids a small company from
firing an employee without "just cause".
     "It's a matter of protecting workers' dignity and giving certainties to
Italian families," argued Speranza. "We need new social policies that stand as a
break from the past, a discontinuity from everything Renzi-branded".
     The ultimate goal is to bring centre-left swing voters into the fold and
move Free and Equal into the political mainstream.
     "We will challenge the Democrats in all fields because we want to bring
back to the ballot boxes, and make vote again, all those who have been
disappointed by the Jobs Act, the tax amnesties,"  argued the anti-Renzi leader,
who also looks to the votes of the migrant population as well.
     Speranza calls for a rapid approval of a bill working through parliament
that grants Italian citizenship to all second generation immigrants, a total of
roughly 5 million people.
     "We will respect our commitment to vote on this law ... instead of fooling
those millions of New Italians who have been waiting for this for years," he
     Speranza said his political creation is part of a wider European and global
project that "looked to a new-found left, following on the steps of left-wing
French politician Jean-Luc Antoine Pierre Melenchon, British Labour party leader
Jeremy Corbyn and the US Senator Bernie Sanders".
     Unity across the Italian centre-left is a faraway dream for Speranza, who
ruled out any possible future "peace" with the Democrats. 
     "Without change unity is mere electoral alchemy. And the Democrats have
chosen not to change," he said.
--MNI London Bureau; tel: +44 203-586-2225; email:
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