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MNI INTERVIEW: NBP Likely To Hold Rates In 2024 - Dabrowski

National Bank of Poland Monetary Policy Council member Ireneusz Dabrowski speak to MNI.

Strong wage and energy price inflation will not jeopardise the National Bank of Poland’s progress towards hitting its 2.5% CPI inflation target sustainably over the medium-term, Monetary Policy Council member Ireneusz Dabrowski told MNI, adding that rates were most likely to remain on hold for at least the remainder of 2024 though a hike cannot be ruled out.

A reduction in the base rate from its current 5.75% is the “least probable scenario in 2024,” Dabrowski said in response to written questions. The most probable scenario is “wait and see,” with Council members committed to a data-dependent approach in coming months. (See MNI EM NBP WATCH: Rates Left Unchanged, Uncertainty "Substantial")

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Strong wage and energy price inflation will not jeopardise the National Bank of Poland’s progress towards hitting its 2.5% CPI inflation target sustainably over the medium-term, Monetary Policy Council member Ireneusz Dabrowski told MNI, adding that rates were most likely to remain on hold for at least the remainder of 2024 though a hike cannot be ruled out.

A reduction in the base rate from its current 5.75% is the “least probable scenario in 2024,” Dabrowski said in response to written questions. The most probable scenario is “wait and see,” with Council members committed to a data-dependent approach in coming months. (See MNI EM NBP WATCH: Rates Left Unchanged, Uncertainty "Substantial")

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