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MNI REVIEW: RBA Leaves Rates Unchanged, Cites Low Growth

MNI (London)
     SYDNEY - (MNI) - The Reserve Bank of Australia left official interest rates
unchanged at 1.5%, pointing to low growth and a "protracted period of weakness"
in household income as justifications for its accommodative policy.
     RBA Governor Philip Lowe said that although the Australian labour market
remained strong, with unemployment at 4.9%, the GDP data painted a "softer
picture of the economy."
     GDP rose by just 0.2% in Q4 2018 to be 2.3% higher over the year.
     Lowe said the strong labour market had not translated to higher income and
consumption spending, which was also being impacted by the "adjustment in
housing markets" as property prices continue their fall.
     The Bank is still expecting unemployment to fall and inflation to pick up,
although it says this will happen gradually and "has been taking a little longer
than expected."
     "The low level of interest rates is continuing to support the Australian
economy," Lowe said in a statement following today's Board meeting.
     "Further progress in reducing unemployment and having inflation return to
target is expected, although this progress is likely to be gradual."
     Lowe concluded saying the RBA would "monitor developments and set monetary
policy to support sustainable growth in the economy and achieve the inflation
target over time."
     In February's Statement on Monetary Policy the Bank shifted its outlook
from expecting the interest rate move to be up to a balanced outlook, where the
next movement could be up or down depending on both domestic and international
economic conditions this year.
     The April meeting came just hours ahead of the Federal Budget, which is
expected to contain tax cuts and one off payments as governing coalition heads
to a May election.
--MNI London Bureau; tel: +44 203-586-2225; email:
[TOPICS: MMLRB$,M$A$$$,M$L$$$,MT$$$$,MX$$$$]
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