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MNI RIKSBANK WATCH: Inflation, Guidance Suggest Hold In June

(MNI) London

Recent firm data have strengthened the case for a June hold by the Swedish central bank.

Sweden’s Riksbank is likely to leave policy on hold this week, with an inflation uptick raising questions over whether its rate path will point to another cut in August or September.

The Riksbank cut by 0.25 percentage point to 3.75% in May, with the policy choice portrayed as either a May or June cut, and the Executive Board saying that if things unfolded as expected it could cut twice more in the second half of the year. Governor Erik Thedeen has explicitly said that the hurdle to a June cut is high, and analysts are currently divided over whether the next cut is more likely in August or September.

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Sweden’s Riksbank is likely to leave policy on hold this week, with an inflation uptick raising questions over whether its rate path will point to another cut in August or September.

The Riksbank cut by 0.25 percentage point to 3.75% in May, with the policy choice portrayed as either a May or June cut, and the Executive Board saying that if things unfolded as expected it could cut twice more in the second half of the year. Governor Erik Thedeen has explicitly said that the hurdle to a June cut is high, and analysts are currently divided over whether the next cut is more likely in August or September.

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