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Mortgage Rates Outclimb Treasuries As They Hit New 2008 Highs

  • Mortgage rates continued to jump higher today, rising another 23bps to 5.89% for a 90bp increase from early August levels (Freddie Mac 30Y). Through the prior Jun 23 high of 5.81%, it’s a fresh high since 2008.
  • This has outstripped a ~70bp ramp higher in 10Y Tsy yields over the same period, continuing to show the speed at which a re-tightening of financial conditions (Goldman noted a fresh peak in the FCI yesterday) is feeding through to the real economy.
  • Despite this re-tightening of conditions and the implications this could have on growth, 2s10s remains off flats, currently at -20bps versus prior lows of -50bps.

30Y Freddie Mac rate (yellow), 10Y Tsy yield (pink), 2s10s spread (green)Source: Bloomberg

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