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Most G10 currencies have been relatively......>

FOREX: Most G10 currencies have been relatively range bound in early Asia-Pac
trade today, with two laggards outstanding from off. Sterling tumbled after the
House of Commons rejected all four Brexit alternatives that were the subject of
the second round of indicative parliamentary votes. Nonetheless, GBP crosses
have recovered from worst levels. Elsewhere, NZD spiked lower at Asia open,
following the release of domestic NZIER quarterly biz. opinion survey. The
seasonally adjusted headline index dipped to -27 from -18, while the survey also
pointed to sub-2% annual GDP growth in 1H2019.
- JPY showed some strength before returning to unch. levels. Japanese Econ Min
Motegi said that trade talks with the U.S. will get underway this month.
- AUD knee-jerked higher on the back of a strong AU building approvals print.
- PBOC adviser Sheng said that decision re: cutting RRR may come post-Q1 econ
data, while "chance is not big for China to reduce bank lending rates in 2019."
- Today is particularly busy in Australia, with the RBA MonPol decision and
FY2019/20 federal budget due later today. Elsewhere, focus turns to U.S. durable
goods, EZ PPI and comments from ECB's Praet.

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