September 18, 2024 07:07 GMT
NATGAS: TTF Sets Cooler Weather at Month End Against Higher Norway Supply
TTF front month is holding steady with the expected return of Norwegian pipeline supplies to Europe set against a cooler weather forecast for the end of the month and into the start of October.
- Temperatures in NW Europe are expected above normal for the coming week but the forecast has cooled slightly back to near normal for the second week of the outlook.
- Norwegian pipeline supplies to Europe are today nominated up to the highest since the start of the month at 235.2mcm/d, according to Bloomberg. Gassco shows outages of 178.2mcm/d today rising to 191.2mcm/d tomorrow after which flows are expected to start to return.
- Algeria gas flow to Italy at Mazara is today estimated at 38.1mcm/d, according to Bloomberg.
- Gas transit flows via Sudzha are nominated at 42.3mcm/d today, according to Ukraine’s gas transmission operator.
- European LNG sendout was up to 271mcm/d on Sept. 16, according to Bloomberg, compared to an average of 245mcm/d over the previous week.
- European gas storage is slowly rising up to 93.41% full on Sep 15, according to GIE, compared to the five-year average of 87.8% with injection rates just 34% of normal levels last week.
- ICE TTF daily aggregate traded futures volume was 246k on Sep 17.
- TTF OCT 24 up 0.1% at 35.6€/MWh
- TTF WIN 24 up 0.1% at 37.6€/MWh
- TTF SUM 25 up 0.7% at 36.83€/MWh
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