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NETHERLANDS: Wilders-Parties Agree On Gov't Formation; Ministers Coming 14 June


Geert Wilders, leader of the right-wing nationalist Party for Freedom (PVV) has confirmed that the four parties forming the next gov't have reached an agreement on the distribution of cabinet positions and identities of ministers, paving the way for the coalition's official formation. These details are set to be revealed on 14 June, although RTL is reporting that the PVV will hold five minsiterial positions. The centre-right People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) and centrist New Social Contract (NSC) will each have four, while the agrarian populist Farmer-Citizen Movement (BBB) will hold two ministerial offices. 

  • The governing agreement reached in may declared that half of the cabinet will be made up of non-political technocrats - including incoming PM Dich Schoof - indicating a total of 30 ministerial and junior ministerial positions in the gov't. 
  • While a technocrat PM, a half-appointed cabinet, and the rule of no party leaders sitting in gov't will act as something of a moderating force, this coalition combination is still by a significant margin the most right-wing and eurosceptic gov't in the Netherlands since the short-lived first cabinet of PM Jan Peter Balkenende in 2002-03.
  • The English-language Dutch News reports, "Former junior economic affairs minister Mona Keijzer,[...] told Trouw she would be joining the cabinet. [...] RTL said the PVV’s health spokeswoman Fleur Agema was being lined up as the party’s deputy prime minister, while Sophie Hermans and Eddy van Hijum are have been proposed for the VVD and NSC respectively."

Chart 1. Dutch House of Representatives, Seats

Source:, MNI

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