September 20, 2024 15:55 GMT
OIL: Nigeria Pushes Two Oct Qua Iboe Cargoes into November
Nigeria plans to export 158k b/d of Qua Iboe crude in November, the highest since June, according to a loading programme seen by Bloomberg.
- The tally includes two cargoes that have been delayed from mid-October into November.
- It also compares to a revised 61k b/d for October.
- Other loadings and month-on-month change are as follows :
- Agbami: 65k b/d (-29kb/d)
- Akpo : 33k b/d (-32k b/d), lowest since July
- Amenam: 63k b/d (-31k b/d)
- Egina: 67k b/d (+2k b/d)
- Erha: 63k b/d (+2k b/d)
- Escravos: 127k b/d (-26k b/d)
- Usan: 33k b/d (+1k b/d)
- Yoho: 32k b/d (+1k b/d)
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