November 26, 2024 09:39 GMT
OIL: Shandong Refiners Likely to Pull Higher Crude Volumes
Chinese Independent refineries crude arrivals in Shandong will likely rise in the rest of 2024 due to further import quotas according to OilChem speaking with MNI.
- The possibility is high that certain quotas will be released in advance by end-2024 for those qualified independent refineries OilChem said.
- Like the practices in previous years, the quotas shall be consumed before the end of 2024.
- On the demand end, it is estimated that the CDU capacity utilization rates of the independent refineries in Shandong Province will hover between 55-65% in the fourth quarter, a relatively high level after staying low since mid-2024.
- There has been a long rumour that refiners will no longer receive fuel oil consumption tax credits. OilChem says independent refiners claim they have not received such a notice but vessel tracking highlights a drop in fuel oil and bitumen arrivals.
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