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PM Theresa May has requested an........>

GILT SUMMARY: PM Theresa May has requested an Article 50 extension to June 30,
which if reached would require the UK to take part in European parliament
elections. European Council President Donald Tusk concomitantly floated the idea
of a year-long extension. Any extension would require unanimous consent of the
EU27, with leaders due to meet on Wednesday. 
- While the first day of discussions between May's cabinet and the Labour leader
were said to be 'constructive', yesterday's meeting is reported to have been
more difficult.
- Gilts have sold off this morning and the curve has steepened on the back of
the long-end underperforming. Yields are 3-5bp higher on the day. Current yield
levels: 2-year 0.719%, 5-year 0.865%, 10-year 1.124%, 30-year 1.677%. The 2s30s
spread has widened to 94.9bp from 92.5bp.
- The Jun-19 gilt future trades at 127.90 near the bottom of the day's range.
- Short sterling futures are 0.5-5.0 ticks lower with greens/blues

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