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MNI: EU Deal To Limit Deposit Guarantee Role In Bank Failure

(MNI) Brussels

Officials tell MNI about talks on the EU's Crisis Management and Deposit Insurance regulation.

The European Union’s Belgian presidency has brokered a compromise among member states in negotiations on the Crisis Management and Deposit Insurance regulation, in a first step to reopening long-stalled talks on strengthening the EU's Banking Union, officials close to talks told MNI.

Limiting the role of deposit guarantee schemes in the resolution of small and mid-size banks, allowing them to retain the so-called “super-priority” in the credit hierarchy assigned to them under the existing Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive, was key to agreement, sources said.

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The European Union’s Belgian presidency has brokered a compromise among member states in negotiations on the Crisis Management and Deposit Insurance regulation, in a first step to reopening long-stalled talks on strengthening the EU's Banking Union, officials close to talks told MNI.

Limiting the role of deposit guarantee schemes in the resolution of small and mid-size banks, allowing them to retain the so-called “super-priority” in the credit hierarchy assigned to them under the existing Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive, was key to agreement, sources said.

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