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MNI: EU Unlocks Talks On Overhauling Bank Crisis Management

(MNI) Brussels

CMDI is seen as a crucial step towards banking union.

The Belgian holders of the European Union’s rotating presidency have unlocked long-stalled talks over overhauling its bank crisis management and deposit insurance framework, which aims which aims to streamline and reduce costs of bank resolution while at the same time better protecting depositors, sources close to talks said.

A new text on CMDI, which is regarded by officials as a crucial step on the path to a full-fledged EU Banking Union, has been circulated by Belgium and is being analysed by national officials, sources said. While this new draft contains “new elements”, one official noted that there was still a risk that new tweaks might bring more countries on board only at the risk of alienating others..

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The Belgian holders of the European Union’s rotating presidency have unlocked long-stalled talks over overhauling its bank crisis management and deposit insurance framework, which aims which aims to streamline and reduce costs of bank resolution while at the same time better protecting depositors, sources close to talks said.

A new text on CMDI, which is regarded by officials as a crucial step on the path to a full-fledged EU Banking Union, has been circulated by Belgium and is being analysed by national officials, sources said. While this new draft contains “new elements”, one official noted that there was still a risk that new tweaks might bring more countries on board only at the risk of alienating others..

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