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Rate remained penned well within........>

MNI (London)
EURO-DOLLAR: Rate remained penned well within recent parameters of $1.1200-50,
touching a high of $1.1246 on the initial reaction to the release of US
Employment data only to fall back to $1.1210. Recovery off that low proved
shallow, capped at $1.1220 with rate looking heavy post Europe close (currently
around $1.1214). Support remains at $1.1210/00, a break to expose next band of
support between $1.1185/75. Resistance $1.1245/55. Option expiry of note for
Monday's NY cut seen at $1.1225 for E1.27bn.
- Monday Germany Trade Balance(0600GMT), EZ Sentix Investor Confidence(0830GMT)
with ECB Villeroy speaking in Paris(1545GMT).
- ECB Thursday in focus. Draghi press conference the main interest with
questions on Tiering and TLTRO likely.      
MNI London Bureau | +44 203-586-2231 |
MNI London Bureau | +44 203-586-2231 |

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