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REPEAT: MNI: Australia Q3 Inventories Rise Upside GDP Risk

Repeats Story Initially Transmitted at 00:57 GMT Dec 4/19:57 EST Dec 3
--Company Profits Decline Slightly
     SYDNEY (MNI) - Business inventories rose more than expected in the third
quarter and could add around 0.3 percentage point to Q3 GDP, but company profits
disappointed with a slightly decline.
     Data published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics Monday showed
business inventories rose 0.2% q/q in Q3 following a revised 0.5% decline (from
-0.4%) in Q2. The data also showed company gross operating profits fell 0.2% q/q
after a revised 3.3% fall in Q2.
     The 0.2% rise in inventories was largely due to a 0.3% increase in
wholesale stocks, which rebounded from a 1.6% fall in Q2. Manufacturing
inventories also contributed with a 2.0% q/q rise, marking two straight
quarterly gains, while retail trade inventories rose 0.1%. These gains were
partly offset by a 5.1% q/q fall in mining inventories.
     The overall inventories rise was slightly above expected, with the median
of an MNI survey calling for a flat reading in Q3. 
     The larger-than-expected inventory rise could lead to small upward
revisions in some economists' forecast for Q3 GDP, though it is likely they will
wait until balance of payments and government spending data on Tuesday to
finalize their forecasts. MNI survey median forecast for Q3 GDP growth currently
stands at +0.7% q/q and +3.0% y/y, with the y/y acceleration driven largely by a
low base effect.
     Company gross operating profits fell in Q3 for the second straight quarter,
with the trend turning negative for the first time in five quarters. In the
latest quarter the fall was driven mainly by mining, manufacturing, as well as
rental and hiring sector profits, which were mostly offset by rise in profits in
the information and media, as well as wholesale, retail and transport sectors.
     Mining profits fell 3.3% q/q, the second consecutive quarterly decline.
Manufacturing profits fell 6.4%, the first fall in four quarters. 
     Wages and salaries rose 1.1% q/q in Q3, the third straight quarterly gain,
with the trend accelerating to +1.2% in Q3 from +1.0% in Q2. Wages were driven
higher mainly by a 0.8% rise in manufacturing, a 3.0% increase in construction
and a 2.6% rise in professional, scientific and technical services. 
     From Business Indicators data for the third quarter published by the
Australian Bureau of Statistics on Monday:
                                                 Q3                        Q2
                                       %Change, Q/Q              %Change, Q/Q
Inventories                                    +0.2  -0.5 (revised from -0.4)
MNI Median                 0.0 (Range -0.4 to +1.0)
Company Operating Profits                      -0.2   -3.3(revised from -4.5)
MNI Median                 0.0 (Range -3.0 to +2.5)
Wages and Salaries                            +1.1%                     +1.7%
--MNI Sydney Bureau; tel: +61 2-9716-5467; email:

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