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REPEAT: MNI: China Nov Caixin Mfg PMI Softens to 5-Month Low

Repeats Story Initially Transmitted at 02:53 GMT Dec 1/21:53 EST Nov 30
--One-Year Business Outlook Falls to Joint-Lowest Since Index Began in April
     BEIJING (MNI) - Activity in China's manufacturing sector saw "marginal"
improvement in November, but at a slower pace than in October, as output and new
order growth rose "only modestly," according to the latest Caixin Manufacturing
Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) released Friday.
     The headline manufacturing PMI registered 50.8, the weakest level in five
months, falling from 51.0 in October. The index remained above the 50 break-even
mark for the fifth consecutive month, according to data compiled by IHS Markit
for Caixin magazine. 
     Readings above 50 indicate expansion in the manufacturing sector while
readings below 50 indicate contraction. The higher the PMI reading above 50, the
faster the expansion in the sector. The lower the reading below 50, the faster
the contraction.
     The performance shown by the Caixin index -- which focuses on smaller and
medium-size companies -- was somewhat at odds with the official manufacturing
PMI jointly released on Thursday by the China Federation of Logistics and
Purchasing and the National Bureau of Statistics. The CFLP/NBS PMI rose to 51.8
in November from 51.6 in October, beating estimates. 
     The one-year business outlook declined for the third month in a row,
falling to the joint-weakest level since the series began in April 2012.  
     Output picked up from October, but at a modest pace, Caixin said.
     Total new orders rose also slightly in November. "Nonetheless, data
indicated that client demand was relatively subdued across both the domestic and
external markets, as new export sales also rose modestly," Caixin noted.
     Input prices continued their sharp increase in November, although the index
moderated slightly from October, which was the highest since early 2011. 
     As a result, manufacturers raised their output prices further to protect
     Companies continued to take a relatively cautious approach to employment.
"Though modest, the rate of job shedding was the fastest seen in three months,"
Caixin said. The index has indicated manufacturing job losses every month since
November 2013. 
     Unfinished business increased further in November. Backlogs of work
remained marked, although they rose at a slower rate than in October. 
     Survey participants said they expanded buying activity at a moderate pace
during November due to the slight pickup of output. 
     The average time taken for input delivery lengthened further due to
logistics problems and stricter environmental policies, but the pace of increase
was the lowest in four months. 
     "The manufacturing sector remained stable in November, although some signs
of weakness emerged," said Zhong Zhengsheng, director of Macroeconomic Analysis
at CEBM Group, a research subsidiary of Caixin. "In the fourth quarter, the
economy is likely to maintain the stability observed since the start of the
second half of the year. Economic growth in 2017 is expected to be higher than
last year, but it may come under downward pressure in 2018."
     The Caixin Manufacturing PMI is based on data compiled from monthly replies
to questionnaires sent to purchasing executives at more than 500 manufacturing
--MNI Beijing Bureau; +86 (10) 8532 5998; email:
--MNI BEIJING Bureau; +1 202-371-2121; email:
--MNI Beijing Bureau; +86 (10) 8532-5998; email:

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