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The BoJ's latest tweak to its super-long......>

BONDS: The BoJ's latest tweak to its super-long end Rinban operations allowed
global bonds to soften, with JGB futures last 7 ticks lower at 150.95, Aussie
10-Year futures 5 ticks lower at 97.205 and US T-Note futures unchanged at
- The move was likely restricted by notable month end extension requirements in
Japan, with many suggesting that the tweak doesn't change the bigger picture for
the BoJ, as they believe that the trimming of the Rinban is supposed to
facilitate a steeper curve, citing the January "stealth taper" as an indication
of what we could see in the short term i.e. the BoJ upping purchases of shorter
dated paper after it cut longer dated purchases.
- Focus will fall on this evening's release of the BoJ's March bond buying plan.
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MNI London Bureau | +44 0203-865-3809 |

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