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(U9) Still looks...............>

US 30YR FUTURE TECHS: (U9) Still looks overextended
*RES 4: 161-24 61.8% Jul 2016 high-Oct 2018 low
*RES 3: 158-09 Sep 8 2017 high
*RES 2: 156-30 50% Jul 2016 high-Oct 2018 low
*RES 1: 156-17 Cycle High
*PRICE: 155-07 @ 11:03 BST, Jun 21
*SUP 1: 154-00 Jun17 low
*SUP 2: 153-27 61.8% 152-27 - 155-15
*SUP 3: 150-13/09 50-dma/50% fibo Apr-May rally
*SUP 4: 148-21/17 T-line support off Mar lows/100-dma
*SUP 5: 147-29 61.8% Apr-May rally
Prices retreated further from cycle highs Friday morning, returning back toward
the 155-00 handle support as traders take profits and react to the overextended
moves seen this week. Various MA and valuation measures still suggest a further
pause, or minor correction, next up, with bears now needing a break back under
the Jun 17 low and Fib support at 153-27 to change the short-term outlook.

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