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US Data: Employment, Establishment - Summary -1->

Release for:  March 2019
Source: U.S. Department of Labor
Units as noted, changes calculated by Market News International
                                  Nov-18  Dec-18  Jan-19  Feb-19  Mar-19
Unemployment rate (household)        3.7     3.9     4.0     3.8     3.8
--Unrounded Unemp Rate*           3.6961  3.8557  4.0036  3.8208  3.8114 Net
Chg in nonfarm payrolls (,000)       196     227     312      33     196    14
 Previously reported:                196     227     311      20
 Private payrolls                    200     224     297      28     182
 Goods-producing                      29      40      80     -28      12
  Mining                              -3       4       5      -2       1
  Construction                         5      16      56     -25      16
  Manufacturing                       27      20      17       1      -6
   Transport Equip                     4       3       3       4      -5
    Mtr Veh, Parts                    -2       1      -1       1      -6
Private Service Providing            171     184     217      56     170
  Trade, transportation               68       5      48     -15      -5
  Wholesale trade                     11      13       8      10      -2
  Retail trade                        33      -6       9     -20     -12
   Mtr Veh, Parts Dealers             -4       6       0       4       3
   Food, beverage                     10       9       2       4      -1
  Financial activities                 3       1       6       6      11
  Prof, business svcs                 34      37       5      54      37
   Temp help svcs                      1      14     -26       3      -5
  Government                          -4       3      15       5      14
Average weekly hours                34.4    34.5    34.5    34.4    34.5
 Manufacturing weekly hours         40.8    40.9    40.8    40.7    40.7
 Manufacturing overtime              3.5     3.6     3.5     3.5     3.4
Average hourly earnings ($)        27.43   27.53   27.56   27.66   27.70
 % change from prev month            0.3     0.4     0.1     0.4     0.1
Agg hrs index, % ch from prev mo    -0.2     0.5     0.3    -0.3     0.5
Manufacturing hrs index, % ch        0.2     0.3    -0.1    -0.2     0.0
Household data:
Labor force, monthly change          127     419     -11     -45    -224
 Employment, change                  221     142    -251     255    -201
 Unemployment, change                -94     276     241    -300     -24
 Pool of available workers*        11415   11621   11789   11457   11438
 monthly change*                     -30     206     168    -332     -19
* MNI Calculations
     ** MNI Washington Bureau (202) 371-2121 **

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