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US Data: Primary Dealer Securities Positions - Details

As of March 27, 2019
Source:  U.S. Federal Reserve Bank of New York                              
Figures in millions of U.S. dollars                                         
Total net position and level changes calculated by MNI
Wednesday-to-Wednesday                27-Mar-19  20-Mar-19  13-Mar-19  06-Mar-19
U.S. Government Securities (excl
Treasury Bills                            30654      36170      20973      28066
Coupon Securities
due in less than or equal to 2
years                                     58500      58823      55992      53835
due in more than 2 years but less
than or equal to 3 years                  16160      12888      14310       8438
due in more than 3 years but less
than or equal to 6 years                  35023      31691      39065      37971
due in more than 6 years but less
than or equal to 7 years                  18673      19900      21660      22382
due in more than 7 years but less
than or equal to 11 years                 13886       8433      11035       6726
due in more than 11 years                 36275      36875      38381      33689
U.S.Floating Rate Notes
Floating Rate Notes                       10494       6293       7386       7832
U.S. Treasury Inflation-Protected
Securities (TIPS)
due in less than or equal to 2
years                                      2903       3190       4250       6132
due in more than 2 years but less
than or equal to 6 years                   8399       5965       4446       4778
due in more than 6 years but less
than or equal to 11 years                   811       1942        893       1360
due in more than 11 years                  1865        951       1242       1198
Total U.S. Government Securities         233643     223121     219633     212407
Federal Agency and Government
Sponsored Enterprise Securities
Discount Notes                             2736       9271       6067       3539
Coupon Securities                         13586      16240      15561      13053
Total Federal Agency and
Government Sponsored Enterprise
Securities                                16322      25511      21628      16592
(excluding Mortgage-backed
Mortgage-backed Securities
Federal Agency and GSE MBS
Federal Agency and GSE Residential
Pass-through MBS                          35544      29500      30208      26977
All Other Federal Agency and GSE
Residential MBS                           25778      25067      25563      25289
Federal Agency and GSE CMBS                4385       4389       4582       4471
Non-Agency MBS
Non-Agency Residential MBS                 7002       6865       6975       6842
Other CMBS                                 6600       6195       6342       6442
Total Mortgage-backed Securities          79309      72016      73670      70021
Corporate Securities
Commercial paper                           7928       8494      12864      10442
Investment grade bonds, notes, and
due in less than or equal to 13
months                                     2360       1261       1283       1518
due in 13 months to 5 years                1572        802       -347          2
due in 5 years to 10 years                 1321       1222        871        348
due in more than 10 years                  2081       2640       1456       1689
Below investment grade bonds,
notes, and debentures
due in less than or equal to 13
months                                      450        449        333        458
due in 13 months to 5 years                1219       1245        929        914
due in 5 years to 10 years                 -713      -2349       -812         -7
due in more than 10 years                  1193       1166       1354       1189
Total Corporate Securities                17411      14930      17931      16553
State and Municipal Government
State and Municipal Government
due in less than or equal to 13
months                                      609        478        510        425
due in 13 months to 5 years                1309       1022       1283        892
due in 5 years to 10 years                 2732       2310       2502       2440
due in more than 10 years                  9635       8879       9290       9536
Variable rate demand notes                 2272       1167       1230        841
Total State and Municipal
Government Obligations                    16557      13856      14815      14134
Asset-backed Securities
Credit card-backed securities               901       1361       1347       1395
Student loan-backed securities             2446       2580       2649       2619
Automobile loan-backed securities          2189       3201       2139       2251
Other asset-backed securities              4677       4365       4569       4622
Total Asset-backed securities             10213      11507      10704      10887
Level Changes
U.S. Government Securities (excl
Treasury Bills                            -5516      15197      -7093       7247
Coupon Securities
due in less than or equal to 2
years                                      -323       2831       2157      -7010
due in more than 2 years but less
than or equal to 3 years                   3272      -1422       5872      -4295
due in more than 3 years but less
than or equal to 6 years                   3332      -7374       1094       3611
due in more than 6 years but less
than or equal to 7 years                  -1227      -1760       -722      -5032
due in more than 7 years but less
than or equal to 11 years                  5453      -2602       4309      -6111
due in more than 11 years                  -600      -1506       4692      -2096
U.S.Floating Rate Notes
Floating Rate Notes                        4201      -1093       -446      -2404
U.S. Treasury Inflation-Protected
Securities (TIPS)
due in less than or equal to 2
years                                      -287      -1060      -1882      -1267
due in more than 2 years but less
than or equal to 6 years                   2434       1519       -332       -168
due in more than 6 years but less
than or equal to 11 years                 -1131       1049       -467       -281
due in more than 11 years                   914       -291         44       -244
Total U.S. Government Securities          10522       3488       7226     -18050
Federal Agency and Government
Sponsored Enterprise Securities
Discount Notes                            -6535       3204       2528        784
Coupon Securities                         -2654        679       2508        119
Total Federal Agency and
Government Sponsored Enterprise
Securities                                -9189       3883       5036        903
(excluding Mortgage-backed
Mortgage-backed Securities
Federal Agency and GSE MBS
Federal Agency and GSE Residential
Pass-through MBS                           6044       -708       3231       -828
All Other Federal Agency and GSE
Residential MBS                             711       -496        274      -1327
Federal Agency and GSE CMBS                  -4       -193        111       -257
Non-Agency MBS
Non-Agency Residential MBS                  137       -110        133        -99
Other CMBS                                  405       -147       -100         62
Total Mortgage-backed Securities           7293      -1654       3649      -2449
Corporate Securities
Commercial paper                           -566      -4370       2422        889
Investment grade bonds, notes, and
due in less than or equal to 13
months                                     1099        -22       -235       -169
due in 13 months to 5 years                 770       1149       -349       -123
due in 5 years to 10 years                   99        351        523       -314
due in more than 10 years                  -559       1184       -233         51
Below investment grade bonds,
notes, and debentures
due in less than or equal to 13
months                                        1        116       -125        127
due in 13 months to 5 years                 -26        316         15        598
due in 5 years to 10 years                 1636      -1537       -805         62
due in more than 10 years                    27       -188        165         58
Total Corporate Securities                 2481      -3001       1378       1179
State and Municipal Government
State and Municipal Government
due in less than or equal to 13
months                                      131        -32         85       -227
due in 13 months to 5 years                 287       -261        391         18
due in 5 years to 10 years                  422       -192         62         60
due in more than 10 years                   756       -411       -246       -745
Variable rate demand notes                 1105        -63        389      -1612
Total State and Municipal
Government Obligations                     2701       -959        681      -2506
Asset-backed Securities
Credit card-backed securities              -460         14        -48        194
Student loan-backed securities             -134        -69         30       -222
Automobile loan-backed securities         -1012       1062       -112        165
Other asset-backed securities               312       -204        -53          4
Total Asset-backed securities             -1294        803       -183        141
--MNI Washington Bureau; tel: +1 202-371-2121; email:

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