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US Debt Offering, Auction Calendar for Tsy and Agency Issues

Source: U.S. Treasury, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac
Amounts in billions of U.S. dollars
                                         Auction/                          Prev.
                       Announce           Pricing  Settlement  Maturity  Auction
Source                     Date  Issue       Date        Date      Date     Size
Upcoming bills and
coupon offerings:
UST                    4-Apr-19  13-wk   8-Apr-19   11-Apr-19       TBD    45.00
UST                    4-Apr-19  26-wk   8-Apr-19   11-Apr-19       TBD    39.00
UST                    4-Apr-19   3-yr   9-Apr-19   15-Apr-19       TBD    38.00
UST                    4-Apr-19  10-yr  10-Apr-19   15-Apr-19       TBD    24.00
UST                    4-Apr-19  30-yr  11-Apr-19   15-Apr-19       TBD    16.00
UST                    9-Apr-19   4-wk  11-Apr-19   16-Apr-19       TBD    50.00
UST                    9-Apr-19   8-wk  11-Apr-19   16-Apr-19       TBD    35.00
Securities yet to         Issue    Amt    Auction  Settlement  Maturity
be auctioned/settle:                         Date        Date      Date
UST                       13-wk  45.00   1-Apr-19    4-Apr-19  5-Jul-19
UST                       26-wk  39.00   1-Apr-19    4-Apr-19  3-Oct-19
UST                        4-wk  50.00   4-Apr-19    9-Apr-19  7-May-19
UST                        8-wk  35.00   4-Apr-19    9-Apr-19  4-Jun-19
** MNI Washington Bureau: 202-371-2121 **
--MNI Washington Bureau; +1 (973) 494-2611; email:

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