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US high-grade corporate bond issuance...>

US PIPELINE: US high-grade corporate bond issuance today is quiet; Thursday had
$2.26B in issuance; next week though should be busy, as bond issuers scurry to
get things done before Christmas holidays:
12/1  BM    BNG Aaa/AAA 144a/RegS 3Y Sustain 3Y Nov29 call DAIWA/RBC/TD
12/1  TBD   Kor.Elec.Pwr Corp. Aaa2/AA/AA- Nov13 wk:US/EU/Asia mtgs BAML/C/CA
12/1  TBD   Lebanon appears to delay Nov. Eurobond, said MOF (Reuters)
12/1  TBD   Israel Electric Baa2/BBB US meetings Oct.30-Nov3 JPM
12/1  TBD   Hanjin Bank: Potentl US$ deal w/ KEXIM Guar? BNP/DAIWA/GS
12/1  TBD   Philippines Baa2/BBB/BBB- US mtgs Oct 6-13 C/DB/MS/SCB
12/1  TBD   Quatar eyed $9B in international bonds; no time yet
12/1  BM    Korea Southern Pwr Aa2/AA- 11/29-12/5 mtgs BNP/C/HSBC/UBS
11/30  $500M *Adani Abbot Pt Terminal BBB-/BBB- 5Y+245      STIF/INV/HAITONG
11/30  $600M *Simon Property A2/A RegS/Sr Unsec long 5Y+65  BARC/C/RBC/SMBC
11/30  $760M *Simon Property A2/A RegS/Sr Unsec 10Y+105     BARC/C/RBC/SMBC
11/30  $400M *New England Power A3/A-           30Y+97      BAML/BNP/CS/DB 

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