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(Z0) Rangebound

  • RES 3: 99.480 - High Mar 10 and the all-time high
  • RES 2: 99.360 - High Apr 2 (cont)
  • RES 1: 99.290 - High Oct 16
  • PRICE: 99.095 @ 16:02 GMT Nov 18
  • SUP 1: 98.985 - Low Nov 11
  • SUP 2: 98.970 - Low Sep 8
  • SUP 3: 98.935 - Low Sep 18 and 21

Aussie 10yr futures took a knock Monday, edging lower as Moderna released positive efficacy results for their COVID vaccine. Nonetheless, prices look to recover quickly, doing little to change the outlook for now. Markets remain largely rangebound after taking a step lower on Pfizer's vaccine news early last week. This keeps first support at the November low of 98.985. To the upside, first congestion resistance sits at 99.120-125.

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