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120.78 support left in the dust:.....>

EURO-YEN TECHS: 120.78 support left in the dust:
*RES 4: 123.74 High May 21
*RES 3: 123.17 High Jun 11 and key resistance
*RES 2: 122.56 High Jun 13
*RES 1: 122.07 20-day EMA
*PRICE: 121.68 @ 08:42 GMT June 20
*SUP 1: 121.07 Low Jun 18
*SUP 2: 121.03 2.0% Lower Bollinger Band
*SUP 3: 120.78 Low Jun 3
*SUP 4: 120.00 Psychological round number
EURJPY has established a consolidative tone for now. Underlying trend conditions
overall remain bearish so the risk at this stage is still skewed to the
downside, but today's rally will have dented the downside argument somewhat.
Bearish targets hold at 120.78 and a breach of this level would signal another
downleg for the cross. Initial resistance comes in at the 122.07 level.

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