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ACGB Jun-54 Auction Goes Smoothly


Today's result has continued the trend of firm pricing for ACGB auctions, as the weighted average yield printed 0.61bps through prevailing mids (per Yieldbroker). The cover ratio was 2.8233x.

  • An outright yield which was around 40bps higher than the December low appears to have contributed to today’s bidding even though it was around 35bps lower than mid-October’s syndication level.
  • It is also important to acknowledge that improved sentiment towards longer-dated global bonds over the past month might have assisted the bid.
  • The ACGB Jun-54 cash trade is little changed in post-auction dealings.
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Today's result has continued the trend of firm pricing for ACGB auctions, as the weighted average yield printed 0.61bps through prevailing mids (per Yieldbroker). The cover ratio was 2.8233x.

  • An outright yield which was around 40bps higher than the December low appears to have contributed to today’s bidding even though it was around 35bps lower than mid-October’s syndication level.
  • It is also important to acknowledge that improved sentiment towards longer-dated global bonds over the past month might have assisted the bid.
  • The ACGB Jun-54 cash trade is little changed in post-auction dealings.