February 13, 2025 07:53 GMT
BASIC INDUSTRIES: Albemarle (ALB Baa3/BBB[N]/BBB): 4Q24 Results
4Q EBITDA beat. Capex cuts due to low lithium prices. Guidance is provided under three different lithium prices scenarios; at YE24 prices guidance implies revenue and adj. EBITDA 8% and 20% below consensus at midpoint. It says it has “line of sight” to breakeven FCF at current prices. Reported net leverage at 2.6x.
“*ALBEMARLE 4Q ADJ. EBITDA $250.7M, EST. $180.4M
*ALBEMARLE SEES 2025 CAPEX $700M TO $800M, EST. $909.1M” - BBG
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