February 10, 2025 13:56 GMT
OIL PRODUCTS: Asian Naphtha Buying Readying for H1 April Procurement: Reuters
Asian naphtha markets remain quiet, although interest is beginning to surface as procurement activities for H1 April begins in the next few days, Reuters said.
- South Korea's YNCC was seeking to buy 25k mt of naphtha for H1 April delivery via a sales tender that closes today with same-day validity, Reuters added.
- Market participants anticipate that China's buying appetite will be opportunistic and price driven, as domestic cargoes could be easily available at more competitive prices.
- Production margins for the pet feedstock NAF-SIN-CRK ended Asia’s trading session at $112/mt, a slight gain on the day, Reuters said.
- Despite the lacklustre demand, prices remain supported by tighter near-term supply as a closed Arbitrage restricts west of Suez flows.
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