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Biden's Approval Rating Sinks Further, Despite More Positive Polling Outlook


President Biden's approval rating has sunk to a new low of 37.4%, eclipsing a record-low of Biden's presidency set last week, according to the polling aggregator at 538.

  • Biden's persistent slow decline in approval is a red flag for the Biden campaign, pointing at a disconnect between White House messaging and voters, and suggesting that a recalibration of the presidential election race in the wake of former President Donald Trump's criminal conviction in Manhattan may not result in a boost for Biden's approval.
  • Biden's sagging approval also appears to run counter to some more positive polling on key issues. Newsweek flags a series of polls pointing to a brighter political environment for Biden. And a Financial Times/University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business survey found that Biden has closed the gap to Trump on trust with the economy, noting it is, "one of the first signs that months of strong economic data may finally be boosting the president’s re-election prospects."
  • FT: "Trump’s lead among registered voters who were asked which of the two candidates they trusted more to handle the economy was just four points in June, down from 11 in February."

Figure 1: President Biden Approval Rating

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President Biden's approval rating has sunk to a new low of 37.4%, eclipsing a record-low of Biden's presidency set last week, according to the polling aggregator at 538.

  • Biden's persistent slow decline in approval is a red flag for the Biden campaign, pointing at a disconnect between White House messaging and voters, and suggesting that a recalibration of the presidential election race in the wake of former President Donald Trump's criminal conviction in Manhattan may not result in a boost for Biden's approval.
  • Biden's sagging approval also appears to run counter to some more positive polling on key issues. Newsweek flags a series of polls pointing to a brighter political environment for Biden. And a Financial Times/University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business survey found that Biden has closed the gap to Trump on trust with the economy, noting it is, "one of the first signs that months of strong economic data may finally be boosting the president’s re-election prospects."
  • FT: "Trump’s lead among registered voters who were asked which of the two candidates they trusted more to handle the economy was just four points in June, down from 11 in February."

Figure 1: President Biden Approval Rating

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