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Biden Takes Lead Among "Double Haters"


A new survey from Morning Consult has found that President Biden, “has taken a lead among “double-haters” in recent months, but notes that the presidential race “remains a toss-up.”

  • Morning Consult notes: “Former President Donald Trump has continued to outperform his 2020 margins among voters who are under 35, Black, Hispanic or independents. On the bright side for Biden, our tracking shows the president taking a narrow lead among a group of voters expected to be pivotal in deciding November’s winner: the so-called double haters, who have an unfavorable view of both major party candidates.
  • “Biden has also made some progress on perceptions of his personal traits, with Trump now boasting smaller advantages on questions ranging from age, mental and physical fitness to leadership, empathy and trustworthiness.”

Figure 1: Voting Intentions of Voters with Unfavourable Views of Both Biden and Trump

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A new survey from Morning Consult has found that President Biden, “has taken a lead among “double-haters” in recent months, but notes that the presidential race “remains a toss-up.”

  • Morning Consult notes: “Former President Donald Trump has continued to outperform his 2020 margins among voters who are under 35, Black, Hispanic or independents. On the bright side for Biden, our tracking shows the president taking a narrow lead among a group of voters expected to be pivotal in deciding November’s winner: the so-called double haters, who have an unfavorable view of both major party candidates.
  • “Biden has also made some progress on perceptions of his personal traits, with Trump now boasting smaller advantages on questions ranging from age, mental and physical fitness to leadership, empathy and trustworthiness.”

Figure 1: Voting Intentions of Voters with Unfavourable Views of Both Biden and Trump

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