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Bursts back above $1.31 as markets react to...>

MNI (London)
CABLE: Bursts back above $1.31 as markets react to reported comments from EU
Tusk suggesting he will suggest a flexible one-year extension (frexit) for
Brexit. Rate had been pressed to a low of $1.3060 Thursday before it settled
around $1.3080 into the close. Thursday saw a lengthy debate on the extension
bill in the House of Lords, but the Lords' vote is yet to come. The rate eased
through the day, after being repulsed again ahead of $1.32(high $1.3191), as
risk appetite faded and participants realised that an "accidental" no-deal
Brexit by default remains an option. Latest press reports are pointing to a
split within PM May's cabinet. According to the Telegraph, a group of
eurosceptic ministers have discussed "staging a mass walkout" in protest against
soft Brexit, while some other mins discussed the possibility of a second
referendum with their Labour counterparts. Cable has edged to an extended
recovery high of $1.3123, helped in part by general risk appetite prompted by
positive comments on Sino-US trade talks. 
- Support $1.3070/60, $1.3015/00. Resistance $1.3120/25, $1.3160/65, stronger
toward $1.3200. 
MNI London Bureau | +44 203-586-2231 |
MNI London Bureau | +44 203-586-2231 |

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