January 22, 2025 01:31 GMT
CHINA: Central Bank Injects Liquidity via OMO.
- PBOC sold CNY1.1575tn of 14 days reverse repo at 1.65%.
- Today’s maturities CNY959.5bn
- Net liquidity injection CNY198bn.
- The PBOC monitors and maintains liquidity in the interbank system through the issuance of 7 and 14 day repo.
- 14-day REPO is issued today due to the upcoming Lunar Holidays.
- The Lunar New Year holidays sees China out Jan 28-Feb 04 inclusive and it is likely that the Central Bank will provide liquidity leading into the holiday period which could see the resumption of the upward trend.
- The CFETS Pledged Repo Deposit Institutions 7 Day Weighted Average (Rates Bond) Index yield is at 1.6584, 14-day 2.6581 and O/N 1.7532 marking lower yields for each maturity.

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