February 26, 2025 09:53 GMT
EMISSIONS: Climate Committee Urges UK to Cut Emissions by 87% By 2040
The Climate Change Committee (CCC) advises the UK government to reduce emissions by 87% versus 1990 levels by 2040, compared with 81% in the last official target from November, it said in its advice of the UK’s Seventh Carbon Budget.
- The limit on the UK’s emissions over the period 2038- 2042 should be at 535 MtCO2e, compared with the previous budget at 965 MtCO2e over 2033-2037. The target should be met through domestic action without resorting to international credits.
- The UK should ensure that UKA prices are high enough to incentivise decarbonisation, with potential measures including a higher carbon price floor and/or linkages with the EU ETS.
- The Committee also advises the government to implement regulations to formally include emissions from international aviation and shipping emissions in carbon budgets.
- Toby Perkins MP, Environmental Audit Committee Chair, commented that it’s crucial for the international aviation and shipping emissions to be legislated in the carbon budgets.
- The government has until 30 June 2026 to put the seventh carbon budget into legislation. Previous governments – whether Conservative or Labour – have always followed the CCC’s advice on the level of UK carbon budgets.
- Toby Perkins MP reacted positively on Climate Change Committee’s advice and urged ministers to be open to improvements.
- “The Climate Change Committee’s recommendations go to the heart of the Government’s growth agenda: there is enormous potential in the areas it has identified for improvement of the environment. Ministers must not be afraid to take the giant leaps suggested,” Perkins said.
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