January 28, 2025 07:34 GMT
OIL: Crude Finds Support From Libya Supply Risks
Brent front month has rebounded from a low of $76.3/bbl yesterday with potential disruption to Libya exports weighed against downside risks from US tariffs while President Trump demands more supply from OPEC+ to bring the price of oil down.
- OPEC+ are expected to maintain the current supply policy at the JMMC meeting next week with a gradual unwinding of cuts from April, according to a Bloomberg survey.
- Loadings at Libya’s Ras Lanuf and Es Sider ports could halt from Jan. 28 due to the latest demands by protesters, Bloomberg said.
- Wall Street expects US oil and gas companies to limit spending in 2025, despite Trump’s calls for “drill, baby, drill,” Reuters said.
- Recent Ukrainian attacks on Russia’s 262kbpd Ryazan refinery have halted operations at the facility Reuters sources report.
- Sinopec plans to raise crude throughput in Feb. by 100k to 150kb/d from Jan. amid rising travel demand during the Lunar New Year holiday and to offset independent refiner run cuts.
- Motiva’s Port Arthur 626kb/d refinery shut its 93kb/d FCC and 22k b/d alkylation unit early Jan. 27 for a turnaround delayed from last week.
- Brent MAR 25 up 0.8% at 77.7$/bbl
- WTI MAR 25 up 0.7% at 73.7$/bbl
- Brent MAR 25-APR 25 up 0.08$/bbl at 0.98$/bbl
- Brent JUN 25-DEC 25 up 0.17$/bbl at 2.81$/bbl
- US gasoline crack up 0.1$/bbl at 13.36$/bbl
- US ULSD crack up 0.3$/bbl at 27.7$/bbl
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