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Ecuador’s Petroecuador Declares FM on Napo Crude Exports: Reuters


Ecuador’s Petroecuador has declared a force majeure over deliveries of Napo heavy crude exports due to the closure of a key pipeline and several wells, Reuters said.

  • The closure is due to rains affecting the country, sources told Reuters.
  • Petroecuador also told its customers that two tender results for July crude cargoes were due this week but have been delayed until later in June.
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Ecuador’s Petroecuador has declared a force majeure over deliveries of Napo heavy crude exports due to the closure of a key pipeline and several wells, Reuters said.

  • The closure is due to rains affecting the country, sources told Reuters.
  • Petroecuador also told its customers that two tender results for July crude cargoes were due this week but have been delayed until later in June.