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MNI INTERVIEW: Hungary Central Bank Faces Volatile 2025-Kiraly


National Bank of Hungary close to declaring victory over inflation, but 2025 will prove challenging, ex-deputy governor tells MNI.

The National Bank of Hungary is likely to cut interest rates by 50 basis points in May and June with inflation set to end the year close to target, a former senior NBH official told MNI, but she added that expansionary fiscal policy, budget deficits and uncertainty over the Bank’s leadership mean the “relative calm” of 2024 may give way to greater volatility next year.

“I can imagine that they will maintain the current 50bp cut pace, which will take interest rates to around 6.5%, after which they will be kept at a high level,” said Julia Kiraly, who served as deputy governor from 2007-13, “or they will wait and see, which is always sensible.” (See MNI NBH Review - April 2024: Caution Still the Mantra)

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The National Bank of Hungary is likely to cut interest rates by 50 basis points in May and June with inflation set to end the year close to target, a former senior NBH official told MNI, but she added that expansionary fiscal policy, budget deficits and uncertainty over the Bank’s leadership mean the “relative calm” of 2024 may give way to greater volatility next year.

“I can imagine that they will maintain the current 50bp cut pace, which will take interest rates to around 6.5%, after which they will be kept at a high level,” said Julia Kiraly, who served as deputy governor from 2007-13, “or they will wait and see, which is always sensible.” (See MNI NBH Review - April 2024: Caution Still the Mantra)

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