March 11, 2025 15:59 GMT
EU Credit Close
- 2y/10y bunds closing -1bp/+7bp at 2.21%/2.9%, with renewed hopes of a German defence spending deal.
- EUR IG closes +0.8bp on average. NATUEN (+15) was the underperformer. F, HBRLN and MOTOPG were all +3-5.
- SX5E/SPX futures are -1.1%/-0.4% at 5323pts/5597pts. EUR IG movers include Siemens Energy AG (+6%), Netflix Inc (+4%), Henkel AG & Co KGaA (-10%), Worldline SA/France (-7%), Verizon Communications Inc (-6%), International Consolidated Air (-6%).
- Primary saw deals from BNZLLN (GBP), MNDILN, SSELN, ACAFP (RT1), BACRED (T2).
- Main/XO finish +0.7bp/+2bp at 56.9bp/306bp.
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