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POWER: EU End of Day Power Summary: Germany Rises on Fuel Gains


German front-month power is trading higher today, with support from European fuel prices, led by coal. Nordic April power settled lower on the day with forecasts for milder weather and healthy hydro balances in the region. 

  • France Base Power APR 25 up 1% at 54.8 EUR/MWh
  • Germany Base Power APR 25 up 3.1% at 77.1 EUR/MWh
  • Italy Base Power APR 25 up 1.6% at 106.7 EUR/MWh
  • EUA DEC 25 up 0.5% at 69 EUR/MT
  • TTF Gas APR 25 up 2.8% at 41.1 EUR/MWh
  • Rotterdam Coal APR 25 up 4% at 100 USD/MT
  • TTF front month is up on the day, amidst below-seasonal temperatures in NW Europe this week, with planned and unplanned works at Norwegian fields also supportive. Hopes for potential Ukrainian peace negations are limiting further potential upside.
  • EUA Dec25 is trading higher on the day with support from EU gas prices.
  • Germany’s likely new coalition government is planning to launch a programme to support Germany’s gas-fired power plants expansion in order to lower energy price.
  • TSO 50Hertz plans to invest nearly €23bn in grid infrastructure by 2028, five times the amount from the previous five-year period, in a bid to accelerate the integration of renewables and grid stability.
  • France’s EdF adjusted its 2025 corrosion plan, removing the Dampierre 2 from the list.
  • French hydropower reserves last week declined by 2.5 percentage points to 31.7% of capacity but narrowed the deficit to the five-year average and last year’s level.
  • France’s EdF warned that hydropower production n the Durance valley, in southeastern France, due to flooding.
  • The 500MW GreenLink between Ireland-UK will be disconnected over 8-10 April for planned works.
  • Balancing market prices in Sweden’s SE3 and SE4 bidding zones as well as Denmark’s DK2 bidding zone touched -€10,000/MWh for down and imbalance price on 9 March.
  • Nordic TSOs have confirmed that the Nordic intraday market will transition to 15-minute trading intervals on 18 March for delivery on 19 March.
  • Bulgaria is planning to soon join Azerbaijan, Georgia, Hungary and Romania in a project that aims to transport Azeri electricity to Europe.
  • Tauron plans to decide on the construction of a gas unit at Lagisza in 2026 or 2027, with operations expected to begin no later than 2030. 
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German front-month power is trading higher today, with support from European fuel prices, led by coal. Nordic April power settled lower on the day with forecasts for milder weather and healthy hydro balances in the region. 

  • France Base Power APR 25 up 1% at 54.8 EUR/MWh
  • Germany Base Power APR 25 up 3.1% at 77.1 EUR/MWh
  • Italy Base Power APR 25 up 1.6% at 106.7 EUR/MWh
  • EUA DEC 25 up 0.5% at 69 EUR/MT
  • TTF Gas APR 25 up 2.8% at 41.1 EUR/MWh
  • Rotterdam Coal APR 25 up 4% at 100 USD/MT
  • TTF front month is up on the day, amidst below-seasonal temperatures in NW Europe this week, with planned and unplanned works at Norwegian fields also supportive. Hopes for potential Ukrainian peace negations are limiting further potential upside.
  • EUA Dec25 is trading higher on the day with support from EU gas prices.
  • Germany’s likely new coalition government is planning to launch a programme to support Germany’s gas-fired power plants expansion in order to lower energy price.
  • TSO 50Hertz plans to invest nearly €23bn in grid infrastructure by 2028, five times the amount from the previous five-year period, in a bid to accelerate the integration of renewables and grid stability.
  • France’s EdF adjusted its 2025 corrosion plan, removing the Dampierre 2 from the list.
  • French hydropower reserves last week declined by 2.5 percentage points to 31.7% of capacity but narrowed the deficit to the five-year average and last year’s level.
  • France’s EdF warned that hydropower production n the Durance valley, in southeastern France, due to flooding.
  • The 500MW GreenLink between Ireland-UK will be disconnected over 8-10 April for planned works.
  • Balancing market prices in Sweden’s SE3 and SE4 bidding zones as well as Denmark’s DK2 bidding zone touched -€10,000/MWh for down and imbalance price on 9 March.
  • Nordic TSOs have confirmed that the Nordic intraday market will transition to 15-minute trading intervals on 18 March for delivery on 19 March.
  • Bulgaria is planning to soon join Azerbaijan, Georgia, Hungary and Romania in a project that aims to transport Azeri electricity to Europe.
  • Tauron plans to decide on the construction of a gas unit at Lagisza in 2026 or 2027, with operations expected to begin no later than 2030.