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EUR/USD last deals at $1.1303, 4 pips...>

EURO-DOLLAR: EUR/USD last deals at $1.1303, 4 pips higher on the day, after
advancing 46 pips on Friday. EUR topped the G10 pile in Friday's Asia-Pac
session, after large EUR/JPY demand was observed around the Tokyo fix, spilling
over into EUR crosses. EUR/USD extended gains through the London & NY sessions,
as the greenback found itself on the defensive. A break above the 55-DMA &
50-DMA, which coincide at $1.1315, would expose Friday's monthly high of
$1.1324. A dip through the $1.1300 mark would open up the 21-DMA at $1.1275.
- ECB's Draghi & Rehn struck a cautiously optimistic note re: EZ econ outlook,
suggesting that there is a chance of a rebound in 2019, while Villeroy said that
there is no global recession in sight. There was also talk of assessing the
side-effects of negative rates, with Vasiliauskas opposed to tiering. Elsewhere,
Italy's FinMin Tria said that Rome's structural budget commitments will be kept.
- EZ focus this week turns to German ZEW survey due Tues, CPI data from across
the EZ due Weds, as well as EZ, French & German m'fing PMIs (p) due Thurs. ECB's
Villeroy will speak later today and again on Weds. His ECB colleagues Nowotny
and Lautenschlaeger will make addresses on Tues and Weds respectively.

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