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European PPAs Up on Month in April


European power purchase agreement (PPA) prices rose by 1.6% in April from March to €48.2/MWh, with 28 PPAs, or about 1.5GW, announced over the month – doubling volumes from the previous month, according to latest monthly commentary from energy pricing firm Pexapark.

  • PPA prices rose as the German baseload power, Dutch TTF gas, and EU ETS carbon prices saw significant increases in April.
  • Germany's offshore wind sector is thriving, with this year's deal count almost matching last year's total.
  • Asset manager Encavis AG, signed the largest deal of the month with LyondellBasell for a hefty 208MW chunk from a 260MW solar PV project in Germany.
  • in second, a 150MW onshore wind deal between Alterric and Statkraft linked to eleven operational German onshore wind farms.
  • Additionally, Ireland's energy-hungry data centres are driving further innovation in PPAs.
  • Decreasing capture rates are impacting revenue, with April’s solar capture rate in Spain hitting a low of 40%. Germany and Greece are also seeing lessening capture rates.
  • Expected increase in forward curves might boost portfolio revenues in the coming months, Pexapark said.

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European power purchase agreement (PPA) prices rose by 1.6% in April from March to €48.2/MWh, with 28 PPAs, or about 1.5GW, announced over the month – doubling volumes from the previous month, according to latest monthly commentary from energy pricing firm Pexapark.

  • PPA prices rose as the German baseload power, Dutch TTF gas, and EU ETS carbon prices saw significant increases in April.
  • Germany's offshore wind sector is thriving, with this year's deal count almost matching last year's total.
  • Asset manager Encavis AG, signed the largest deal of the month with LyondellBasell for a hefty 208MW chunk from a 260MW solar PV project in Germany.
  • in second, a 150MW onshore wind deal between Alterric and Statkraft linked to eleven operational German onshore wind farms.
  • Additionally, Ireland's energy-hungry data centres are driving further innovation in PPAs.
  • Decreasing capture rates are impacting revenue, with April’s solar capture rate in Spain hitting a low of 40%. Germany and Greece are also seeing lessening capture rates.
  • Expected increase in forward curves might boost portfolio revenues in the coming months, Pexapark said.