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MNI BRIEF: CBRT Publishes New Inflation Survey, Expectations Ease

Central Bank of Turkey to provide regular sectoral inflation expectations update

Household, market participants’ and real sector 12-month ahead inflation expectations have declined “significantly” following the adoption since March of a “decisive” hawkish monetary policy stance, the Central Bank of Turkey said in a blog post Friday to announce the publication of its new Sectoral Inflation Expectations survey. (See MNI EM CBRT WATCH: Rates Held At 50%, Inflation Seen Trending Down)

Household inflation expectations fell to 71.5% this month, the Bank reported, while real sector inflation expectations have hovered around 55% between January and June this year. Market participants’ expectations stood at 31.8% as of June 2024. The CBRT expects inflation to average 38% by the end of this year, falling to 14% in 2025.

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Household, market participants’ and real sector 12-month ahead inflation expectations have declined “significantly” following the adoption since March of a “decisive” hawkish monetary policy stance, the Central Bank of Turkey said in a blog post Friday to announce the publication of its new Sectoral Inflation Expectations survey. (See MNI EM CBRT WATCH: Rates Held At 50%, Inflation Seen Trending Down)

Household inflation expectations fell to 71.5% this month, the Bank reported, while real sector inflation expectations have hovered around 55% between January and June this year. Market participants’ expectations stood at 31.8% as of June 2024. The CBRT expects inflation to average 38% by the end of this year, falling to 14% in 2025.

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